amwriting, update

Thoughts on Writing ~ Summer Update

I haven't posted much, as I've been trying to get my novel revisions done for August and figure out the trajectory for the next few months of letters for my Ko-Fi supporters (there are a few arcs I can take them on, but I'm running out of July to post this month's!). I've also revived… Continue reading Thoughts on Writing ~ Summer Update

Gothic Fiction, world building, Writing Prompt

#WriterlyWiPChat: July Q&A Week 4 (and a bit!) Part 1

Days 22-25 Do you edit as you go, or push through that first draft? It honestly varies. I do a little bit of editing as I go through, but the first draft will morph and shift under me through weeks of experimental writing until I get the plot and outline right, figure the characters out… Continue reading #WriterlyWiPChat: July Q&A Week 4 (and a bit!) Part 1